
2018 Winter Olympics inspired Men With Brooms (TV series) Quote:

Matt: You know, Gary, sometimes I wish life was more like curling.

Gary: How so, Matt?

Matt: Well, curling's simple.  You're either in the house or you're not.  You don't cross the hog line.  You don't take out the other team's rocks till 3 rocks are in play ...

Gary: Four rocks.

Matt: Huh?

Gary: Till four rocks are in play.  It's called the Four Rock Rule.

Matt: Right.

Gary: And it's not called a curling team, it's called a rink.

Matt: I know.  But it's confusing.  We're playing on a rink.

Gary: We're playing on a sheet.

Matt: But we're in a curling rink.

Gary: It's a curling club.

Matt: Yeah .... You know life's pretty simple.  I wish curling were simpler.

Gary: I hear ya.

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